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Mercurius politicus, Number 120, 16th-23rd September 1652 E.675[20]

From Colen September 10. stilo novo.
The Bishop of Munster hath had good successe; for, hee
having likewise some places taken from him in the heat of
the Spanish wars, made bold lately to endevour the recovery
of them; and adding Wit to Force, by a stratagem possessed
himself with few Soldiers of a strong Castle cald Bevergern;
lying near the River Emse not farr from Lingen, which had
been a Garison for the States these many years: But how
they will resent these rude Complements of the Germans I
doe not know.
From Prague (where at present the Emperour is) is little
to communicate, but that he looks for the comming of the
Electors every day. Hee sends unto all other Princes likewise
his Ambassadors and Messengers,to invite them unto the
Dyet in person; which causeth kind thoughts toward him;
and hopes of a firm settlement. In the mean time the
Reformation goes still on in Bohemia and parts adjacent;
where all that will not tnrne Papists, upon a short warning
are to leave their habitations.
From the Turkes in Hungaria and Dalmatia comes still
lamentable news, concerning their strong irruption into the
Country, And barbarous proceedings against the people;
they threaten to visit also shortly the utmost quarters of Germany,
as Moravia and Silesia; which causeth great feares
among them, especially having had lately a sad Presage. an
infinit number of Grashoppers brought into their Quarters
by a strong East-wind from Polonia. The Emperor hath
sent some Forces and Ammunition thither to strengthen the
Garisons, but it avails little; And now he hath given order
for levying a strong Army, but that requires no short time;
Otherwise they write from Germany, of the plentifull Harvest
and abundance of Wines they made this year; great
store is sent thereof for Prague to the Emperor to welcome
his Guests, and to carouse it at their meeting.
From Stockholm August 21.
Letters from Dantzick say, the King is deadly sick of a hot
Feaver, and had taken his last Holyed wins; his Death will
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