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Mercurius politicus, Number 120, 16th-23rd September 1652 E.675[20]

From Lieth Septemb: 14.
We have little news here; the most considerable is, That
the Commission of the Generall Assembly hath appointed
a generall Falt, the Grounds whereof follow:
Reasons of the Fast appointed by the Generall Assembly, to
be kept in all the Congregations of the Land, the second
and third Sabbath of September.
ALthough our sad condition call aloud of it selfe to
Mourning, yet it being our Duty to stirr up the Lords
people to take hold of him in the day of his displeasure; we
think it incumbent to the whole Land, and charge it upon
them, as they would have the Lord to turn from his fierce
anger, so hotly pursuing and burning us up: That they
search and try their wayes walk mournfully before the Lord
and at this time lye in the dust for these provocations; which
are the manifest causes of all the Evill that is come upon us.
1: Besides many sins heretofore mentioned in the former
causes of Fasts; we are to mourn for that Land-destroying-sin,
the contempt of the Gospel (which is comprehensive of
many other sins set down at large by the Commission, 1650,
a sin so odious in the sight of God, that neglecting so great
a salvation, and slighting the blood of the (Covenant) wee
cannot escape the vengeance of the Gospel.
2. Because the sad dispensations we have met with, and
the wonderfull works wrought amongst us, are neither eyed
nor improven by us. Our wound is grievous, yet wee have
not grieved; the Lord hath smitten us, but wee have refused
to return; yea, (none taking the Lord for their party, nor
accepting of the punishment of their iniquities,) Wee revolt
more and most; This is a lamentation, and shall bee for a lamentation.
3. Because of the Covenant-breaking, especially in this
day of our Calamity and Tryall, committed openly in the
midst of the land; the shameless despising of the Oath of
God, so often and solemnly made by us, men thinking to
escape by iniquity, making Lies their refuge; Thus the Lord
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