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Mercurius politicus, Number 120, 16th-23rd September 1652 E.675[20]

is mocked, and his Word profaned; for which he canot hold
us guiltless.
4. Because of Sion's breaches which are irreparable; she
is broken with breach upon breach, her vaile is torn, her
hedge broken down, her precious things defiled and wasted,
exposed to foxes and bears: now while it is thus with her,
her Lovers forget her, her children are still contending in the
furnace, notwithstanding the great controversie the Lord
hath with the whole land.
5. Because of the foul departure from the true Doctrine
of Christ received in this Kirk, and separation from the communion
and government thereof, that some members and
other unable souls are turned aside into, contrary to the solemn
Covenants and Oathes, to the high contempt of the
name of God, and great scandal of the Gospel.
6: Because of the great opposition made to the work of
God by the Royal Family, and many eminent Families in the
land, and the blood, oppression, ignorance of God, unbelief,
uncleanness, Covetousness, false hood, deceit, hypocrisie,
and other gross iniquities, that have abounded in all
ranks of the land, both in the preceding and present Generation.
7. Because of the main sin of the Ministry, the weak have
not been strengthned, nor those that are driven away sought
for; we have not watched for souls, but done duties by constraint,
and sought our own things more then the things of
For we ought to mourn and to request the Lord, through
Iesus Christ, that he would pardon all these abominations,
subdue us by his Spirit, that we may fall in love with Christ,
be obedient unto the Gospel, that seeing many, things we
may observe them, and regard the work of the Lord, and
the operation of his hands; that he would heal our backslydings,
repair our breaches, reclaim the seduced, and take
away all our iniquities; finish the con[unr]versie with Kings
and Nobles, Ministers and People, and comfort our prisoners;
and that he would be pleased to stay amongst us
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