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Mercurius politicus, Number 120, 16th-23rd September 1652 E.675[20]

Preserve inviolate the liberties of his house, &
help us for his Names sake, becaus we are brought
very low; and that the distressed estate of the
Lords people in these lands, would carry on the
work of Reformation, to which wee are engaged
by Covenant: and would build his own Sion, and
appear in his own glory.
From Paris, Septemb: 21. stilo novo.
Saturday last the Duke of Wirtemberg, was
brought in a Chaire from his Spanish Army, to
the Hostel de Condé, where he lies sick of a Feaver.
The Prince of Condé keeps his Constant residence
with the Army, not having bin here since he went
out. Marshall Tureien with his Majesties Army,
lyes still surrounded by the Spanish, French, and
Lorain Armies. He plays his Cannons continually
against the two former, but not at all against
the latter, I mean Lorain, because hee lyes still,
and only keeps himself in posture, seeming little
inclined to a Fight, and he hath in a manner told
the Princes he will not, and that the intent of his
comming was to promote a general Peaee. Then
Condé desired that he would yeeld up his Army to
his Conduct, that hee might put them upon Service;
but Lorain replyed, He would sell them to
him if hee pleased, and himself bee gone; but
Condé would not hearken with that Ear; knowing,
that as soon as the money should be paid, and hee
gone, his Army would soon follow him.
His Majesties Army is like to be re-inforced by
the addition of those Forces that were under the
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