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Mercurius politicus, Number 120, 16th-23rd September 1652 E.675[20]

command of the Count of Palnau, at the siege of
Monton; besides a supply of 4000. men which (som
say) Mazarin hath raised to send to his Majesty.
There is not (as yet appears) any likelyhood of
Engagement between them, because of Lorrain's
neutrall humor. The Duke of Guise also is marching
from Bourdeaux to the Princes, with those Forces
and Moneys wherewith he was supplyed by the
king of Spain.
Two days since arrived a Letter from Catalonis,
assuring the surrender of that tedious piece, Barcelona
into the hands of the Spaniards, and Cassal also.
From Amsterdam, Sept: 20
The news is, that 2. of our Spanish Traders are
come home, having aboard them 4. millions in
Plate, which is boasted much of here, and of their
dangerous adventure, having bin (they say) in the
hands of Gen: Blake; to whom pretending that they
were the K. of Spains ships, they were with 2, or 3.
other ships convoyed towards osterd; After which
he bearing off to sea, they slipt into the Texell.
Here is also arived the Hitland fleet, or the remnant
of those that were seized by the storm about
Shetland; but yet (as we hear) it hath follow'd them
home, to shew that vengeance is à Tergo; and that
in the very Texell, since their coming home, they
lost 13 of them by a Storm there on Sunday last;
they being cast away. But the storms being over
at Sea, as bad a one immediatly ensued upon Land
among the Seamen, who coming ashore to demand
their Pay, answer was made by the Lords, that they
must first on shipbord again, and there they should
receive half pay. This was so unwelcom news to
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