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Mercurius politicus, Number 120, 16th-23rd September 1652 E.675[20]

those who had bin left on shipboard, that they, all
in a maner quitted the ships a leaving few except
Officers aboard; and so the 700. which first came
ashore were increased up to 2000. who breathed
out threats against the Magistracy in a very insolent
maner, brought a piece of Cannon from off
the Walls, and planted it against the East-Indie
hous. Then having appointed themselvs Leaders,
they began to rally the storm to rise, and (after the
maner of Tumults) all was quiet again at Night.
By the morning, the hope of Ghelt brought them
an addition of 4, or 500 more. They marched along
the streets with their Knives drawn, swearing
to cut the Lords throats, if they had not present
pay. But the Lords having given order beforehand
for some Soldiery to be ready; they coming upon
them on a sudden, and they not being well ordred
after slaughter made of some, and some taken Prisoners,
the rest were soon dispersed. Then the
prime Mutineer being cald to an account, two of
them were hang'd before the State-hous, & a third
was tyed under the Gallows for example. As execution
was performing, there being an appearance
of a fresh mutiny, by reason of the Peoples thronging,
as the Lords supposed, they fearing the worst
gave order to the Souldiery to fire among them;
wherby about 8 persons were slain, and many trod
to death, & divers wounded, though indeed there
were no occasion. This loss of blood hath inflamed
that of the people, and the Seamen are rather madded
then mended by the business, swearing they
will not aboard whatever come of it; and that if
they be forced, they will shew them a trick.
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