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Mercurius politicus, Number 119, 9th-16th September 1652 E.675[8]

this Winter; for there are som hundreds of them
up in Argyle's Country, yet hee pretends to know
nothing of them.
Three of the Commissioners for Administration
of Justice; viz. Judge Owen, Jude Moseley,
and Judge Smith, began their Northern Circuit
for Criminall mutters on Thursday last.
They went from Leith to Brunt Island; and so for
St Andrews, where they first sit; and are to bee at
Aberdeen the 9. instant.
The last Post from Hamburgh speaks thus:
There is some sign now of the Treaty at Lubeck;
one of the Polish Ambassadors, called Goraisky
being already arived in the place; another, Leshinsky,
who is the head of the Ambassie, is to follow
shortly: But when the Swedes will appeare,
is yet uncertain; the Sicknesses being so rise among
their great Ones, and severall dead of them;
it hindreth the Councels and Resolutions of that
Court very much. Of the Mediators that are to
moderate in the Treaty, as France, the Venetian, and
the Hollanders, there is no newes of their comming
neither as yet; so that it is likely they will not
be together to enter into Consultation before the
end of October next: And when they meet together,
its very like, there will come as little of it,
as it did last year: For, the Swedes are resolved not
to yeeld in the least from their pretensions; And
the Poles having, recovered themselves a little, and
entred into a seeming firm posture of warre, will
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