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Mercurius politicus, Number 131, 2nd-9th December 1652 E.683[22]

to be there by this time. Collen past by our borders
lately sot Bavaria, and will doubtles also repair to Prague;
so that all the Electors but Heidelberg will be there together,
which was much doubted of before; otherwise the
Palatine would not leave made such haste back, but made use
of the occasion, to try what ground could be laid with Saxony
for better correspondence, and take off the old rancour
grounded upon the different Judgments about Religion.
The Bavarians grow very jealous that the Emperour not
only by the Royall entertainment, but also by deciding severall
cases of great concernment. both in the upper Pals.
tinate, and in the Dutchy of Gulick for the Flector Palatin
his advantage, shews too much favor to him. One of the
Bavarian Ministers lately in the Emperors presence Chamber,
expressing his wonderment that his Majesty should caresse
such a one in that extraord dinary manner, whose Father
for all the honour he out wardly had born to the house of
Austria, nevertheless took the first opportunity to uncrown
the Emperor as much as in him lay; acertain Gentleman &
Spanish Minister answered therupon. That this hapned much
in regard of the Upper Palatinat lying so near Bohemia;
who could tell what the present possessor thereof (the Bavarian)
might thereby be tempted to attempt once.
As for our University news which I know you long for,
the solemnities of the Restoration thereof were very solemly
performed on the day appointed being the 1 of November
lisst; when there being come a great company of learned
men, and scholars from all parts about us, to the Celebration,
therof: His Electionall Highness at 9 in the forenoos,
repairing to the Chancery with all his court: thence the
said Court, the Chancery, the University, the Ministry and
Scholars went in a very decent manner to the great Church,
where Mr Rulice (one that formerly was bred under Mc
Cotton at Boston) made an Excellent Sermon besitting the
occasion, and Plasms were sung in a very melodious Musical
harmony. The Text was Psalm 118[unr] 25. From thence
the Procession went to the publick Schools, the University-Beadles
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