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Mercurius politicus, Number 131, 2nd-9th December 1652 E.683[22]

carrying the Maces, and divers Scholars
the rest of the Academical ornaments and instruments,
as the Laws and priviledges thereof, with
the Seal, the Keyes, &c. upon Velvet-cushions.
Being come to, and set in Civilian Auditory
or School, as most convenient, The Chancellor
of his Highness made the first speech, and in the
name of his Highness there present created Dr.
Cune, the primarie Professor of the Civil-Law,
Vice-Rector of the Vniversity, delivering him
all the foresaid Academical implements: After
which the said Dr. Cuno made an elegant Oration
which was concluded with excellent musick. And
thus the first Act being performed, the Souldiery
in arms gave several Salves at the return of the
Company; and 40 peeces of Canon, with the
ringing of all the Bels, did attend them with their
Ecchoes between the mountains into the Electoral
Castle, where the Prince in the great Hall
called the Imperial, feasting the learned Company,
and sitting in the midst of the, and all the
Court filled with liberal entertainments & civil,
the rest of the day was past with much content on
all fides. For some dayes together there were
more learned Speeches made in all Faculties, and
a publike Disputation like wise held; at all which
the Prince Elector was present, omitting nothing
whereby to grace and encourage Learning.
From Paris, December 7. stilo novo.
Our letters out of Holland inform us of 13 Deputies
newly arrived at the Hague out of Zealand, to
insist on matters of grand importance; and among
others, about receiving the young Prince of orange
for Captain Generall.
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