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Mercurius politicus, Number 143, 3rd-10th March 1653 E.689[16]

party in the Low lands: And in all probability they
would have shewn themselves, if the news of our Affairs at
Sea had been answerable to their wicked hopes and expectations:
About a Fortnight since, the Governor of Sterling took
occasion to search, and found many Armes in the hands of
the Townsmen.
From Dublin, February 22.
The Lord hath followed us with his wonted mercy in
taking away the heart of our Enemies, throughout the
whole Nation; and in particular, now of late at Ennisbuffin,
which was surrendred the 17 instant, together with
the adjoyning Isles, unto Commissary Gen. Reynolds, upon
Articles, the men are to be transported into Spain within
20 daies, if wind serve, and shipping can be had for the
The Enemy begin to shew themselves again in the
County of Kerry:
From Paris, March 8. stilo novo.
Of late here was a talk of the Courts intent to have pacified
the Prince of Conde, by investing him in possession of
the Country of Alsatia, with the Soveraignty thereof, to
have been held in Homage of the Crown of France, but
now it is come to nothing; nor is there any signe of an Agreement.
Some Overture to that end was mentioned lately by one
Mr Burin, who was prisoner to the Prince, but released
upon ransome; and he pretends that at his comming away
the Prince entred into discourse with him, boasting of his
own great strength, and of the party he had yet among the
People of France, and of the great Forces he should bee
able to appear in the Field with this Summer, which he said
would be 12000 Horse, and 10000 Foot, whereby hee
doubted not but he should be able to give the Court their
hands full of work, and perhaps give them a Visit too at
Paris itself: Intimating nevertheless, that he was ready
to imbrace a good Agreement, and enter into a Treaty of
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