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Mercurius politicus, Number 143, 3rd-10th March 1653 E.689[16]

resolved for the party of this State; It is written thence,
that the English ships and goods are all seized, and the
goods unladen, and the Matters and Seamen set packing to
shift for themselves. The English Merchants books are all
seized likewise, the King resolving they shall fare as his subjects
do in England. The Dane having thus declared himself,
the States must send part of their new fleet toward
the Sound for his protection, till his new ships be ready.
Westminster, Resolved by the Parliament that the Commissioners
of the Admiralty do take care of such of the
Dutch prisoners as are wounded.
The state of the Treasuries of the Excise, Customs, Delinquents
lands, Dutch prizes, Collectors prizes, and assesmen's,
being reported from the Commissioners for inspecting
of Treasuries; it was ordered thereupon, that there
be a limitation of time for determining of Claims, which the
Commissioners for removing of obstructions are importuned
to determine, by the Act intiutled, An Act for further
impowering the Commissioners for removing Obstructions
to determin Claims.
Westminster, March 3: The Fast was observed by the
Parliament, who ordered a collection to be made from every
Member of the House, for a contribution toward the relief
of the maimed and wounded Mariners in the late fight
with the Dutch:
They ordered also, that the business about a new Translation
of the Bible, should be taken into confederation on
Thursday following.
Since the collection made in the House of Parliament,
the Magistrates of the Citie of London, and the gathered
Churches therein, in[unr]imitation of so Christian and
honorable an example, proceeded in like manner to make
Collections for reliefe of our maimed and wounded Seamen.
From Leyden, March 5: 1653.
Sir, it is a common proverb in our Countrey, Meert
roert syu steert, March shakes and swings his tail: you have
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