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Mercurius politicus, Number 142, 24th February-3rd March 1653 E.689[9]

rest, into some corner where we cannot find them, Blessed
be our God, who hath thus visited his people again, and
vouchsafed such a presence with them, that their enimies
have not been able to stand before them.
On the 16. instant, God having exceeedingly favored
us in regard of the winds, our Fleet was go[unr] up as high as
Port-land, Mid channell, and being vere thoughtfull least
the Enimie should, or had past us, two days afore we
sought God, and the last day at even we asked God to tell
us where they were, and the answer was made out of those
words in the 2. Cron. 20. 16. which then was the Chapter
spoken out of, and no sooner did daylight dawn, but
betwixt us, and the shoar we saw the Enimies Fleet, towards
whom, ours made all the sail they could, and the Enimies
not going from us, but egging towards ours, the
Fleets ingaged suddenly, and with some disadvantage
to ours, because the Enimie having the wind, our stern most
ships could not get up to doe any considerable service,
which laid the brunt of this dayes fight much upon the
Flagg shipp the Triumph, and had much end angered the
whole, but God helped us exceedingly; for though our
men were half disabled through the ship, yet their courage
was not abated that remained, nor could more be expected
from men, then God enabled them to doe, which I believe
our Enemies both found and feel; for the next day they
made their business to be gone away: we took the first day
their three Reer-admirals, one, Vice-admiral, and three
of them we sunk afterwards, the other now in Portsmouth,
and about eight or ten sunk and burnt more the
second and 3 day in a running posture. Ours came up at
some turns, and did some execution upon the enemy very
considerable; for we glean'd up several of their men of
war and merchants ships, above forty: many ours boarded
and carried within sight of Van-Trump, yet durst not
they stay to fetch them off; Captain Lawson took a lusty
great ship by boarding, but it was with some loss; Cap.
Marten did the same by another, and Captain Graves
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