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Mercurius politicus, Number 142, 24th February-3rd March 1653 E.689[9]

Chamber of Accounts, and the third to the
Court des Aides.
At length the King hath promised Audience
to the Popes Nuntio on Monday next; In the
mean while their Majesties will receive Letters
from Rome, and carry themselves accordingly.
Notwithstanding a contrary report a Ball
was danced after the Kings Masque on Sunday
last, but not in the wonted order, because of the
jealousies betwixt the Ladies, the King having
danced the third with the Dutchess of Mercocur,
and the Marquiss de Roquelaure having begun
the dance with another of the Cardinal's
Nieces, which was to begin by the King.
The Lord Wilmot writes from Ratisbone
that being arrived there, he hath received many
compliments of the Princes of Germany, which
gives him great hopes of success, whereupon
Charls Stuart hath privatly sent the pretended
L. Gerard into Holland to bring them if possible
to joyn with him in his Chimerical designes.
From aboard the Martin, near Portsmouth,
February 20.
Upon the Lords day, our Captain brought in
the Rear-Admiral of the Hollanders, of 1200.
tuns, and 46 guns, so far as St. Ellen's point near
Portsmouth, and we endeavour to get her into
the Harbor as soon as possibly we can. She is so
miserably torne, that we, and the Captain of the
Merlyn were forced to towe her all along. This
Frigat was in the Fleet upon the first days ingagement,
but received not very much hurt; only
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