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Mercurius politicus, Number 142, 24th February-3rd March 1653 E.689[9]

Cardinall laughs at it, and faith, He doubts not but the
King will be able next summer, to turn that Prince, and all
his partakers quire out of the Kingdom.
An extraordinary express is arrived, which brings tidings
of the Duke of Vendosm's coming with his ships into the
River of Garonne.
Thursday, Februay 24. 1652.
Resolved upon the question by the Parliament, That the
case of Sir John Stowell, upon his pretence of Title to Articles,
be resumed to the consideration and determination of
the Parliament. And that the Commissioners for giving
release to persons upon articles, doe forbear to proceed any
further therein, until the Parliament take further order
Friday. Resolved, &c. That the Magistrate hath power in
matters of religion, for the propagating of the Gospel.
Resolved, &c. That the House do on Friday next proceed
upon the Proposals reported, and to begin with the first in
the first place, and so with the rest in order.
From Legorn, Febuary 14. stile novo
We must beware how we trust any French, for Mr: Longland
having put a parcel of Tin upon a Frenchman; he informed
the Dutch two of whose men of war came and took
the Tin away perforce. How this affront to the Port will be
understood by the Great Duke, I know not. Van Galen the
Dutch Admiral. with another ship, departing hence the 9
instant at night, ran among the rocks, betwixt, this and Longone,
whither they were bound to keep in C. Badeleys ship.
The Dutch Admirals ship was lost, and the other vessel got
off with two broken Berks. This disgrace troubles the Dutch
here very much.
After the departure of the 2 ships aforesaid, here did
not remain above 5 of their Dutch men of War, so that ours
were preparing upon this opportunity, to clear off from the
Mole; and Capt: Badeleys coming hither in person was with
expedition; But the Dutch apprehended our design, and sent
out their Scouts, who called in more of their Fleet; so that
now they ride 14 sail men of war in the Road.
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