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Mercurius politicus, Number 142, 24th February-3rd March 1653 E.689[9]

was not able for two days space to put them into a condition to move
from that place; their Sails, Masts, Rigging, and Ships being so miserably
torn, as never was seen.
Van-Tromp had not a Rope up in his ship, many never a Mast; some
were so leaky, as that they were ready to sink in the place; but how
they are got home, the Packet-boat cannot inform us.
Thus by all our English intelligence you see how soundly they have
been paid; And yet that you may see how they please themselves
with stories of their own, it appears by Letters from Holland to some
of our Merchants here, they are content to make Lyes their refuge,
affirming in those Letters, That Tromp hath sunk and fired 17 or 18
sail of our ships, and miserably torn the whole Fleet.
Prizes brought into Dover Piere February 21.
The Abigail of Embden, Reynder Syricks Master, burthen 120 tons,
laden with Wine, Brandewine and Vinegar, from Nantes, bound for
Item, the Star of Horne, Simon Cornelisson master, laden with Wines
from Nantes, and bound for Amsterdam.
Item, the Black Elephant of Flushing, Cornelius Tobiesen Master, laden
with Salt from St Martins, and bound for Flushing, 200 Tonns.
Item, the Nantes of Roterdam, bound with Wines from Nantes; no
Dutchman found aboard her at her coming in; Peter Johnson Master.
Item, the Golden Cock of Medenblick, John Lizatie commander, burthen
300 tons; 36 guns, wherof 12 brass, taken by the Rubie and Diamond.
Item, the Peacock laden with Wines, burthen 150 tonns; no Dutchmen
brought in with her.
February 23.
Item, the Black Buss of Medenblick, Ivert Pieterson master, burthen
150 tonns, come from St Martins, laden with Salt and some Vinegar,
bound fur Koningsbergen, taken by Thomas Hare commander of the
Ann Piercy.
Item the Berck Howter Church of Saerdam, burthen 250 tons, Peter
Lambertsen master, come from Croswick in Brittany, laden with salt, &
bound for Koningsbergen, taken by Captain Henry Tiddeman, commander
of the Exchange.
These three
ships are in
Dover-road. {Item, the Kirke of Grame, taken by Cap. Hide, laden with
Salt and Wine
Item, the Black Raven, burthen 160 tons-laden with salt
her Mainmast gon, taken by the Mary-Ketch, captaine
Corbet commander.
Item, the George of Medenblick, 200 tonus, laden with
Wine and Strong waters, taken by the Saphire.
Item, The Vurow-Anthony Solay, come from Nantes, laden with wines
and Brandewine. She pretends to belong to Ostend.
Item, The Prineess of Rotterdam, Adrian Cornelissen Master, come
from Nantes, laden with Wines, Vinegar, Brandewine, and Prunes,
bound for Amsterdam.
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