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Mercurius politicus, Number 164, 28th July-4th August 1653 E.708[21]

they ingaged about six in the afternoon on Thursday,
and fought until about 12 at night, the dispute
being very hot all that time. What the
issue was, he faith he knows not, but the English
Fleet had the wind of the Hollanders at the beginning
of the Engagement. This he confidently
affirmed to be truth.
Westminster, in the Exchequer Chamber, July 27.
At the Committee of Parliament for consider atlon of
the Propriety of Incumbents, Rectors and Possessors of
Donatives in Tythes.
REsolved upon the Question, That such persons
who have any thing to offer for asserting
the Propriety of Incumbents in Tythes, may apply
themselves to the said Committee, and deliver
the same in writing any Friday or Wednesday
within a month.
July 28. A Report was made to the Parliament,
touching Officers and Servants attending
the Parliament; which was settled.
An Act touching the several Treasuries of this
Commonwealth, and the bringing the same into
one Treasury, was this day passed. The names of
the persons for inspecting the Treasuries, are Sir
William Roberts Knight, William Sydenham, Arthur
Squib, Edmend Cresset, Esquires, Collonel William
Gough, and Major Hezekiah Hains.
Another July 30. was passed for setling the
Jurisdiction of the Court of Admiralty; which
speaks as followeth;
FOrasmuch as many inconveniences do daily
daily arise, in relation both to the Trade of
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