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Mercurius politicus, Number 164, 28th July-4th August 1653 E.708[21]

this Commonwealth, and to the commerce with
Forraign parts, through the uncertainty of Jurisdiction
in the Tryal of Maritime causes, Be it
Enacted by this present Parliam. and by the Authority
of the same, That the Court of Admiralty
shall have Cognizance and Jurisdiction against
the ship or vessel, with the tackle, apparel and
furniture thereof, in all causes which concern
the repairing, victualling and furnishing provisions
for the setting of such ships or vessels to sea,
and in all causes of Bottomry: And likewise in
all causes of Contract made beyond the seas, concerning
Shipping or Navigation, or damages
hapning thereon, or other damages arising at
sea in any voyage: And likewise in all Causes of
Charter-parties or Contracts for Fraight, Bills of
Lading, Mariners wages, or damages in Goods
laden aboard ships, or damages done by one ship
or vessel to another, or by Anchors, or want of
laying of Buoys: Except always That the said
Court of Admiralty shall not hold Pleas, or admit
actions upon any Bills of Exchange, or Accompts
betwixt Merchant and Merchant, or their
And be it Enacted, That in all and every the
matters aforesaid, the said Admiralty Court shall
and may proceed, and take Recognizances in due
form, and hear, examine, and finally end decree,
sentence and determine the same, according to
the Laws and Customs of the sea; and put the
same decrees and sentences in execution, without
any let, trouble or impeachment whatsoever,
Any Law, Statute or Usage to the contrary
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