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Mercurius politicus, Number 164, 28th July-4th August 1653 E.708[21]

heretofore made to any wise notwithstanding;
Saving always and reserving to every person and
persons that shall [unr]finde or think themselves agrieved
by any sentence definitive, or decree having
the force of a definitive sentence, or importing
a damage not to be repaired in the definitive
sentence given, or interposed in the Court of
Admiralty; in all or any of the cases aforesaid,
their right of appeal, in such form as hath heretofore
been used from such decrees or sentences
in the said Court of Admiralty.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid,
That John Godolphin Doctor of the Civil
Law William Clack Doctor of the Civil Law,
and Charls-George Cock Esq; shall be, and are hereby
appointed and constituted the present Iudges
of the said Court of Admiralty; and they or any
two of them, are authorized, impowered and required
to exercise the office and offices of Judges
of the said Court: And that each and every of
them that shall be present at the giving any Definitive
sentence in the said Court, shall at the
same time, or before such sentence given openly
in Court, deliver his Reasons in Law of such his
sentence, or of his opinion concerning the same;
And shall also openly in Court give Answers and
Solutions (as far as he may) to such Laws, Customs
or other matter, as shall have been brought
or alledged in Court, on that part against whom
such Sentence or Opinion shall be given or declared
Provided, and be it Enacted, That if any of
the said Judges of the said Court of Admiralty,
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