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Mercurius politicus, Number 164, 28th July-4th August 1653 E.708[21]

more convenient time; but the Prince-Electors wil in no way yeeld
to that opinion, but immediatly desires to treat with the said Ambassador,
who for the restitution of Hombergh, Landstael and Hammerstain,
as also perpetual dimission of all his Matters Forces out of the
Roman Empire, demands a million of Rixdallers, but it is thought
he will content himself with half the money, if he can get so much.
The difference between Charmentz and Colen is not yet compounded.
The Kings of Poland and England have little or no hopes at
all of obtaining any assistance or comfort here, if good words will
not content them.
From Dantzick July 15.
We had a great tumult here upon Sunday, which is like to be an
ill president: For the Jesuits who live in a village without one of
the gates of the Town, had built a Dying House upon a fresh water
which runneth there-through, which is the onely water serving this
place; which somwhat spoyling the water, the inhabitants role and
puld mod of it down, and had not retted there, bur that the Magistrates
with much industry suppressed them. The Bishop is much
offended herewith, because it is under his jurisdiction, and I believe
it will cost the City a good sum of money, if they come off so.
Out of Poland we have, that the Cossacks are advanced, and have
beaten a party of the Kings Harse, which were forraging, which
hath caused him in a great fright to retire with his Leager six miles,
so that it is probable by the next, you will hear of an action betwixt
A Catalogue of the Names of the Present Parliament.
WHereas the Committee appointed by the Parliament, for receiving
and trying of all Petitions to be presented to the Parliament,
have Resolved and Ordered, That such Petitions as shall be
presented to them, be given in and subscribed the some Member of
Parliament of the County or City from whence the Petition comes;
or otherwise, by any Member of Parliament: Now to the end that
Petitioners from the several Counties may be informed to whom
they should make their Application therein, you have a List of the
names of all the Members of Parliament, with the respective Counties
and places, as followeth:
SAmuel Dunch.
Vinceut Goddard.
Thomas Wood.
Nathanael Taylor.
Edward Cater.
George Fleetwood.
George Baldwin.
John Sadler.
Thomas French.
Robert Castle.
Samuel Warner.
Robert Duckenfield.
Henry Birkenhead.
Four northern counties,
Charls Howard.
Robert Fenwick.
Henry Dawson.
Henry Cgle.
Robert Bennet.
Francis Langdon.
Anthony Rous.
John Bowden.
Jervas Bennet.
Nathanael Barton.
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