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Mercurius politicus, Number 164, 28th July-4th August 1653 E.708[21]

are things into the mindes of men in every corner,
in which work the Iesuits are very active.
The Pricks, for these last three weeks have
absolved none but such as are for peace, and the
King is very high in his offers for a surrender,
fearing lest England should interpose; and therefore
the Court say they wil stand to such Agreement
as shall be made, and would swear it on
the Sacrament.
By such Artifices as these they have made a
shift to conjure up a party, and those who were
formerly exiled by the Ormists or Assembly of
the people, have now gotten an opportunity to
return, and, being joyned with others, are become
the greater number, and have on a sudden
changed every Officer in the Town, from the
highest to the lowest; by which means things are
at present in a strange confusion. The souldiers
in pay on the Bulwarks, are not suffered to come
in; and yet the business is not so far gone, but it
may easily be recovered, so as to put the other
party to their heels again, if our pinching necessities
were over.
From Major Bourne at Harwich, August 1. past 10
a clock in the forenoon.
Just now is arived a Ketch, that came from the
Fleet, The Master being a shore, declares, that
upon Friday last in the Afternoon, our Fleet was
engaged with the Dutch, who were about 80.
sail in number.
The Frygats and States Ships were most of
them up with them, but most of the Merchants,
could not come up that day. They continued in
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