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Mercurius politicus, Number 164, 28th July-4th August 1653 E.708[21]

From Mr. Richard Lyons, Chapalin to the Generals,
aboard the Resolution, July 31.
The inclosed may give you satisfaction in most
particulars yet known to us of Gods glorious appearance
in the first days Ingagement, With this
addition, that they sent away some maimed
ships in the night after the fight, and got by us
with their Fleet, driving to make a conjunction.
with those 25 sail expected out of the Texel;
which accordingly plying up towards them yesterday,
they obtained, it being with us thick
and foul weather, so as we could not get up with
them, much less ingage or hinder them. And
this morning, with these new Recruits, they
came down upon us in a very gallant posture,
and fought with great resolution from after 5 in
the morning, till one in the afternoon, both
Fleets going through and through each other
with much violence and execution, endeavouring
to burn, sink, and destroy one the other, as
if one not enduring a Superiour, the other not
an equal (as one speaks concerning Casar and
Pompey) they would put the whole business upon
the event of a Battel. And verily, the Lord appeared
in the Mount, and put a difference betwixt
men and men, the Israelites and the Egyptians;
and never did they come on but went off
with considerable losse, some sunk, some lamed,
some burnt, others dispersed, and scattered from
their Body; so that the Lord set yet more upon
my spirit that Scripture, psal. 31. ult. which my
thoughts ran upon before the Fight; The Lord
plentifully rewardeth proud doers, proud doers.
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