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Mercurius politicus, Number 164, 28th July-4th August 1653 E.708[21]

of the Enemie's losse, or our own; but-judge
they lost, being fired, sunk, and destroy
ed, to the number of above 30 men of war, besides
what were lamed this day and before, and
towed away by them being upon their own
coast: And whereas they were 120, or 130.
we could not count past 56. or thereabouts in a
body after the Fight was ended; which ceasing
about one a clock, they flood away afore the
wind all the afternoon, and being all clean ships,
and good sailers, they were able to take and
leave, as they listed; a matter of great moment,
but little considered by us.
About 5 a clock, making a halt, we came up
again, and some bickerings there was to little
purpose, save that one of our Frigats went aboard
a Dutch Viceadmiral, and carried him, but
he sunk immediately after.
There are many indearing circumstances of
this great Victory, which time permits not the
mention of. One thing, though not to every
one speaking a like, is this; Trump this day had his
Flag struck down, and Top-mast, and could not
by any means all day make it stand, though he indeavoured
it; which I thought upon the rather
in regard it was the Flag that was the occasion of
the breach, and the Flag of neither hitherto in
all the Fights was struck before; But I leave every
one to their own construction.
Of all their 9 Flags this Ingagement, there went
off only two Admirals, and one Reer. Admiral:
But I can add no more. You must expect matters
more punctual hereafter. In the mean time praise
the Lord.
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