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Mercurius politicus, Number 171, 15th-22nd September 1653 E.713[13]

from that desperate Party to which he hath given
up himself.
All the stirrs in the Highlands are at a stand
still, and the Riagleaders retired to their several
stations; when they will venture out again, is
not imaginable, but being Desperado's, they
know no other way of prosecuting their private
ends, but by disturbing the Publike, as often as
they fancie a favourable opportunity.
The Ministers are not so forward as they
were, to pray for their pretended King in express
terms, but they hint it shrewdly in their
prayers, to that purpose.
Westminster, September 13. A Bill, entituled
An Act enabling the Commissioner of Parliament
for compounding with Delinquents, to dispose of two
parts of-the Lands and Estates of Recusants for the
benefit of the Commonwealth, and for the extirpation of
Popish Priests and Jesuites, was this day read the
first and second time, and committed.
September 14. Some Proposals were tendered to
the consideration of the Parliament, concerning
the raising of Monies for the use of the Commonwealth,
out of the Islands of Jersey, Guernsey,
and Sark, and committed.
A Bill for sale of certain Priviledge and Powers
of divers persons, whole Estates by former
Acts of Parliament are declared to be forfeited
for Treason, and are thereby exposed to sale,
was this day read the first and second time, and
upon the Question committed.
Septemb. 15. Some Proposals were tendred to
the House, touching Mine of Coles in the New
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