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Mercurius politicus, Number 171, 15th-22nd September 1653 E.713[13]

Forrest, which were referred to a Committee to
be considered of.
The House likewise passed some Resolves for
reducing the charge of the Garison in the Isle of
Man, by a new establishment of the pay there,
for the case of the charge of the Common-wealth.
A Report was made from the Committee for
Petitions, to whom the Petition of the Purchasers
of Sr John Stowels Estate was referred, wherupon
it was
Resolved by the Parliament,
That the Purchasers of Sir John Stewels Estate
shall quietly possess and enjoy the same, according
to their severall Contracts made with the
Trustees, according to the Act of Parliament.
From the Hague, September 20. stilo novo.
Here being arived on the behalf of the Commonwealth
of Genoa, the Lord John Stephens Spinola,
concerning the two ships (now called the
House at Sweeten, and the House at Cruming) which
that Common wealth had be-spoken here, and
which this State had taken to themselves at this
time of necessity, with presentation to suffer
that two others might be built here in their
stead, of the same buathen: Thereupon those
of Genoa write, That they are not resolved as yet
to have any others built, but desire that all Monies
disbursed by and in the behalf of that Commonwealth,
about the said Ships and Gunns,
might be repaid to the said Lord Spinela whom
they have given for that end full power and
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