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Mercurius politicus, Number 171, 15th-22nd September 1653 E.713[13]

The Vice-Admirall de Witt being gone to sea
with a good number of ships, and thereby the
number of the Captains appointed for the councell
of Warr, to try the Imprisoned Captains,
coming to be diminished; therefore their High
and Mighty Lordships have Ordered, That the
number of Seven of the faithfullest Captaines
added to the Colledge of the Councell of War,
and therein presides the Lord Wesson, Burger.
master of Amsterdam, or in his absence some body
of the other Lords Commissioners remaining
at the Texell, with express Order and command
that the said Councell shall judge according to
Placaets and Ordinances, and not preferr in the
least Grace before Rigor; but that they do proceed
therewith strictly and according to Justice.
And whereas the Lords Commissioners have
desired to come home; their Lordships have Ordered,
that they shall be desired to stay there so
long, till such time that the Tryals of the said
Captains at the Texell be ended, and sentence
pronounced against those that are found guilty;
and that they see the same executed upon them.
According to the last Letters from the Texell,
and the Hilder, there have been seen again some
English upon the Coast.
The high Winds have a while kept in Vice,
Admirall de Witt, he is now bound by Order to
goe for the Sound, and to joyn with the King of
Denmarks ships, and afterwards to convoy back
all the Merchants ships that lie there and elsewhere
in Norway.
We doe not yet hear what Answer the States
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