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Mercurius politicus, Number 171, 15th-22nd September 1653 E.713[13]

do intend to give to the Lords Newport and Yong-stals
Report concerning their Treaty in England.
Nor is it known when they will return for England.
Here is very little news stirring at present; it
is for want of Action that we are so barren.
Here are great endevors used to set forth the
main Fleet to Sea, with all the speed that may
be. It is boasted, that the numbet now a preparing
to be added to de Witt at his Return, will
make him in all above One hundred sail.
Westminster, September 16.
Amendments were this day Reported to the
Bill for relief of Creditors and poor Prisoners,
which were debated, and the Bill with the Amendments
The House gave severall directions to the
Committees for better expediting of Publique
business, and providing Mony for defraying the
charges of the Commonwealth, so as the Work
may be effectually carryed on with greatest case
to the People.
Westminster the 17 of September.
A Bill for confirmation of the Sales made of
the Estate and Lands of Sir John Stowell Knight
of the Bath, which was read the first and second
time, and committed to a Committee.
Amendments to the Bill, entituled, An Act
enabling the Commissioners of Parliament for
Compounding with Delinquents, to dispose of
two parts of the Lands and Estates of Recusants
for the benefit of the Commonwealth, and for
the extirpation of Popish Priests and Jesuites,
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