Sign in
Mercurius politicus, Number 170, 8th-15th September 1653 E.713[6]

Out of sterling we have notice, that the Lord
Lorn (Argiles son) and kinmore, came within 7.
miles of sterling with 120. horse; but upon the
appearance of some Hors of ours, they recreated.
Col. Lilburn to our Commanders in chief (having
no occasion to march on, the Highlanders being
quiet, and many of them desiring to live under
Protection) is returned back to Dalkeith.
Westminster, September 6. Resolved by the Parliaments,
That the Committee for Inspection of
Treasuries, and for regulating Officers and their
Salaries, be authorized and impower'd to call
to accompt the Commissioners for the Excise,
for the Fines which have been by them set and
received, within the Cities of London and Westminster,
and Suburbs thereof, and Borough of
Southwark, and to give order to some Gentlemen
in every County, to call to accompt the Sub-Commissioners
and Farmers of the Excise in the
respective Counties, for the Fines which have
been by them set and received in the respective
Counties, and make Return thereof to the said
The House, according to former Order, took
up the Bill, entituled, An Act for the speedy and
effectuall satisfaction of the Adventures for
Ireland, and of the Arrears of the Souldiery due
there, and of other publick Debts, and for encouragement
of Protestants to plant and inhabit
Ireland, and adjourned the debate till the morrow.
What art hath been used by the Dutch to observe the
late great Victory obtained by our English fleet, appears
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