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Mercurius politicus, Number 170, 8th-15th September 1653 E.713[6]

about, which hath caused a very great alteration
amongst the Communal[unr]ie: The last Sunday all
the Churches were fill'd with laminations and
mourning, and after sermon the Elders went
from House to begg old Linnen. Most
of the Chyrurgians of this Town went from
hence a yesterday to the Fleet; and it is incredible
what a fright this hath caused amongst the common
Men, by reason of the defeate and totall
rout of their Fleet.
There is Order given to make ready all such
ships that lie in the River. And to grieve our
Merchants the more, yesterday here come news
that the Hollanders had taken Four of our
East-India ships, and had ruined one of our Colonies
in those parts, and that they had block'd
up Eight ships more besides, which could not
possibly escape falling into their hands: So that
now they spit nothing but fire and flame against
the Hollanders: And if we add to all this, how
that Sweden and Denmark will assist the Hollanders;
And that they will soon come and joyne
with you, with the young Master of these Islands,
and that your Fleet will be suddenly
out at sea again, and that three you will assault
our ruined Fleet, before they can be repaired, is
enough to make us despaired of good Successe against
It is said also, That the whole Kingdome
will present a petition against this present parliament.
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