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Mercurius politicus, Number 170, 8th-15th September 1653 E.713[6]

Westminster, the 7 of September.
THat the Committee for regulating of Justices of peace, be authorized
and required forthwith to unto the Lords Commissioners
for the Great Seal of England, the names of such persons
as the said committee have approved or shall approve, to be Justices
of the Peace in the respective counties; and that the Lords
commissioners be authorized and required forthwith, upon the receipt
hereof, to issue commissions of the Peace into the respective
counties, for those persons only who shall be so certified to them
by the said committee, and to no others.
The House resumed the Debate upon the Bill for Ireland, and
adjourned the further Debate there of till the morrow morning.
Westminster, the 8. of September.
The House this day proceeded in the Debate upon the same Bill,
and so farre proceeded therein, that the same was ordered to be
The Bill entituled, An Explanatory Additional Act for Sale of the
remaining Fee-Farm Rents, and the finishing of that whole Affair, was
this day read the third time, and upon the Question passed and Ordered
to be printed and published.
An Explanatory Additional Act for the Sale of remaining Fee farm
Rents, and the finishing of that whose Affair.
Whereas by several Acts of Parliament (viz) One of the 11 of
march, 1649. entituled, En Act for seling the Fee farm Rents belonging
to the Commonwealth of England, formerly payable to the Crown of
England, Dutchy of Lancaster and Dutchy of Cornwal; And the other
of the 13 of August, 1650. Entituled, An Act for the further Explanation
of the former Act: All the said Fee farm Rents, and other
Rents in the said several Acts mentioned, were granted unto, vested,
setled and executed, in the real and actual possession and seisin
of several Trustees in the said mentioned Act named, and their
Heirs: And the said Trustees are by the said several Acts enabled
to put to sale, contract for, sell and convey the same to any person
or person, and their Heirs: And that such of the premises as shall
be so conveyed to any such Purchaser, should from thenceforth be
adjudged and taken to be in the actual sesin possession of such
Purchaser or Purchasers respectively as shall purchase the same. And
whereas by another Act of Parliament of the 6 of February, 1650.
Entituled, An Additional Act for the sale of the Fee farm Rents, and
for the doubling of money thereupon, the said Fee farm Rents and other
Rents, are Declared a Security to the Lenders of money thereupon
doubled: And whereas some part of the money lent upon the said
security is yet unsatisfied, and several of the said Fee-farm Renis,
Rents reserved, and other Rents, have been sold by the said Trustees
according to the Powers given to the said Trustees by the
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