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Mercurius politicus, Number 170, 8th-15th September 1653 E.713[6]

aforesaid Acts; but the Purchasers cannot receive and enjoy the
same according to the Contract and Purchases, but the same are
detained and withheld from them by the Owners, Tenants and Occupiers
of the Manors, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, out
of which the said Fee-farm Rents, Rents reserved, and other Rents
are illuing, upon pretence that several of the Manors end Lands
late forfeited to the Commonwealth for Treason, out of which the
said Fee-farm Rents and other Rents were issuing, have since the
said Fee-farm Rents and other Rents were vested and settled in the
Trustees as aforesaid, been by Acts, Orders and Ordinances of
Parliament, vested and setled in other persons and their heirs; by
colour whereof, such persons as derive their Interests under such
Acts, Orders and Ordinances, do not only claim the said Lands so
vested in them, but expect to hold the same totally discharged
from the said Rents, to the payment whereof the Estates forfeited
as aforesaid were lyable, whereby the Purchasers are greatly
damnisied, the security much impaired, and the Commonwealth
deprived of the benefit arising by sale of the said Fee-farm Rents,
and other Rents as aforesaid.
For remedy whereof, Be it Declared, Enacted and Ordained,
and it is Enacted, Declared and Ordained by this present Parliament,
And by the Authority of the same, That all and every the
Manois, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments which are charged
with, or liable to the payment of any Fee-farm Rents, Rents
reserved, or other Rents, at the time of the making of the said
first mentioned Act; which said Fee farm Rents, Rents
reserved, or other Rents, were vested and setled in the said Trustees and
their Heirs as aforesaid, be and hereby are charged with, and shal
and do stand for ever liable to the payment of the respective Fee-farm
Rents, Rents reserved and other Rents, which they so for-mealy
stood chargeable with respectively, and shall and do from
time to time, for ever, pay and satissie the same to the said Trustees
and their Heirs, in case they have not sold the same: And
to such person and persons and their Heirs, to whom the said
Trustees have or shall hereafter sell the same, according to the
Powers and Authorities by them given by the several Acts of
Parliament aforesaid, into whose hands so ever the said Minors,
Lands, Tenements or Heredaitaments have come, or hereafter shal
come; and shal be paid and satisfied to the respective Purchasers
and thei Heis respectively, Any Act or Order, or any
Construction thereupon made to the contrary in any wise not
withstanding. And the said respective purchasers and their
Heirs, shall have all such and the like powers, Authorities, ways
and means for the Recovery of the said Rents, and all Arrears
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