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Mercurius politicus, Number 170, 8th-15th September 1653 E.713[6]

thereof due since the respective Purchases made of the same respectively
from said Trustees, as any the Purchasers of any other
Fee farm Rents, of or from the said Trustees, may, might, or
ought to have by virtue of any of the aforesaid Acts of Parliament,
or otherwise howsoever.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all
and every the Conveyance and Assurance made by the said Trustees,
or any five or more of them, to any Purchaser or Purchasers
of any Fee Rent, or of any the Particulars appointed
by the said Acts to be sold, according to and in pursuance of the
Acts of parliament aforesaid, or any of them, notwithstanding
the same have not hitherto bin Inrolled according to due course
of Law, shall be as good and effectual to all intents and purposes
to the respective purchasers and their Heirs, as if the said Conveyances
had been duly Inrolled.
And if any of the said purchaser or purchasers shall be desirous
to Inrol his or their Conveyance or Conveyances, Be it Declared
Enacted and ordained by this present Parliament, and by the Authority
thereof, That every such Conveyance so Inrolled, shall be
good and effectual in Law to the respective Purchaser and Purchasers
thereof, and their Heirs respectively, to all intents and purposes
whatsoever, notwithstanding the lapse of time, and that the
same were not Inrolled according to the by Law required, as
if the same had been duly Inrolled.
Provided, That such of the said respective conveyance and Conveyances
as have not been Inrolled according to the course of Law
be Inrolled within six Months from after the day of the passing and
of this Act.
And it is hereby further Enacted and Declared, that all purchasers
of the said Fee farm Rents, to whom any Reprizes for decayed
Rents or otherwise are due; and all persons, Body politique or
Corporate, that have not yet applyed themselves to the said Trustees
to have allowance of such sums of mony, Rents Resolute, perpetual
Pensions, Stipends, Salaries, Anuities, Alms, Corridies, Profits
and Allowances, as at the time of the making the said first mentioned
Act were due or payable; or which are chargeable upon,
have been, or ought to be paid or allowed to or for the maintenance
of any Grammer Schools or Scholars, preacher, or for or
towards the repairation of any Church, Chappel, Highway, Cawsway,
Bridges, Schools, Alms-houses, Castles, or any other uses upon
or out of the Premises or any of them, shall and may apply
themselves within the space of four Months after the passing of this
Act, for the allowance of all Reprizes due as asoresaid: As also for
all Sums of Money charged as aforesaid, to the uses and purposes
aforesaid: And that the said Trustees, and Commissioners for removing
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