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Mercurius politicus, Number 170, 8th-15th September 1653 E.713[6]

of Obstruction respectively, shall and may, and are hereby
by impowred and authorized to grant and allow such Reprizes, and
all sums of money charged as aforesaid.
Provided, That such Reprises and Allowances be granted and allowed
within six months after the passing of this Act, and that from
and after the last limited time as aforesaid, the granting and allowing
of all Reprizes and sums of mony charged as aforesaid shal cease;
an I all Purchasers, within six months after the passing of this Act,
finall pais and perfect their Conveyances: And that from and after
the six month, all Salaries to all Officers imployed in the sale of
the said Fee-farm Rents, shall likewise cease and determine.
Westminster, the 9. of September.
A Bill Entituled, An Act for relies of just Creditors and poor prisoners,
was this day read the first and second time, and committed.
Whereas several persons intending unduely to get money from
the people under false pretences of Charity, and by the colour of
Authority, whereas indeed there is neither, and have gone about
the Country with Briefs, Letters of License, or Orders of Recommendation,
some from the late Parliament, and since from the
Councel of State, which were forged and counterfeit; and complaint
having been made thereof to the Parliament, they have
thought fit to refer it to the Councel of State to take effectual
course for the suppressing of all such forged patents and Licenses, and
to prevent the same for the future. The said persons having by
such wicked devices cousened the people of several sums of money,
whereby the charity of divers well disposed people hath been perverted:
And therefore if the Justices of the Peace in the several
Counties would take strict order for examination, and finding our,
and punishing all such abuses, the same would be an acceptable service
to the Commonwealth, and a means to prevent such abuses
for the future.
Upon the humble petition of divers Inhabitants of Barking in Essex,
who Petitioned, That an Acre of Land in the Forrest might be
allotted them for building a place for a pulique meeting for
the worship of God; the House did Order an Acre if ground to be
assigned them for that purpose.
An Additional Act for the better administration of Justice in the
Court of Admiralty was this day read the first and second time, and
upon the Question committed.
Westminster the 10 of September, 1653.
The House this day took into debate the raising of money to carry
on the Affairs of the Commonwealth, and desraying the charge
thereof with the greatest ease to the people and did thereupoll
order a Bill to be brought in for disposing of the two parts of the
estates of Papists now under Sequestration for Recusancy.
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