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Mercurius politicus, Number 170, 8th-15th September 1653 E.713[6]

two horse, and two men; and wounded us
about twenty men, and some hores; but they
were as well requited. When the Craggs could
shelter them no longer, they left our men up
plain ground. There appeared about 50 of their
Foot, and some horse: divers of their foot run
along the hills, from kill to bill, flanking of our
men, and gauled us upon the retreat, which occasioned
our loss. Col. Read yet lies in the field
near Port, by the Isle of Montilie, near which the
Engagement was.
As yet we hear no further from Lewi. Here
are divers Dutch Pickeroons that love upon
these coasts.
You have here inclosed, a Copy of a Paper
sent by Keamere to the Lord Cardrus, whereby
you may note his confidence.
My Lord,
I Doubt not that your Lordship knows the intentions
of this Kingdom; also, the posture of affairs, and
how they are ordered: Therefore your Lordship is hereby
required, to put out your proportions of horse and foot:
your horse to Sir Mungoe Murray, your foot to the
Laird of Duchraye, with assurance, so long as their
bounds shall be deficient, I must expect quarters of
you, but in expectation of your forwardness, Ireman
2 Septem.b. 1653.
Your humble servant,
I also desire provision conform to my Quartermasters
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