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Mercurius politicus, Number 170, 8th-15th September 1653 E.713[6]

Note, may be provided this night, so
that it may be conveniently brought where I
shall be.
For my Lord Cardrus.
THese are to require the Commissioners of
Cardrus, to bring in to John Neipers house
within two hours after fight hereof, thirty Wedders,
four and twenty pecks of Meal, and sixteen
stone of Cheese, as you will answer upon
your highest peril.
John Inglish.
From on Board the Bristol Frigot, some 15
Leagues W. S. W. off Yarmouth,
September 4.
We with our Squardron have endevor'd to repair
unto the Fleet, but the Wind having been
contrary, and we having severall Prizes which
we have been forced to by reason of the
losse of some of their Masts, and others we lost
company with, by reason of foul weather. And
the wind being stationary, wee have thought
fit to dispatch away those Prizes which are here
at present with us, they being six in number;
Three whereof came from France, laden with
Brandy, White wine, Vinegar, and Salt, and one
Groenland man laden with Oyle, and one more
with Iron, Steel, and Hemp, come from the
East-Country; and another laden with Hertings.
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