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Mercurius politicus, Number 172, 22nd-29th September 1653 E.714[6]

barbarously murther'd between Peterhead &
Frizleburgh, going after Col. Cobbet. Last week a
Soldier of Major Bridges. Troop going with two
suspitious persons that he had before apprehended
near S. Johnstons, they took advantage of
him coming down an Hil near the bridg of Earn,
one took him by the hair of the head, and the
other drew out his Sword and run him through.
Also 2, or 3. that came from the Bray of Maner-Castle
have bin murder'd by some Highlanders,
(who they call Caterens) that is, Caran Robbers,
they have stoln divers Horses out of severall of
our Quarters, & carried them into the Highlands
where there is no pursuing of them. The Highlanders
propose to have 1000. men together at
the latter end of this month, which shall be a
standing party under the command of Glencarne,
Mc Aldey is to raise 200 men, Mc Clap 200 men,
Seafort 300 and Glencarne and Glencary to make up
the rest, they resolve to keep together till they
have aide from the K. of Scots, which they give
out will come to them shortly, or however the
next Spring they report that the English dare
not (or at least cannot) doe them any prejudice,
except they fall down into the Lowlands, which
is not intended by them untill they have more
strength; and they will, if they can possible, prevent
the Countries adjacent to the Lowlands
from paying any Assesment to the English, but
to themselves.
Westminster September 21. Resolved upon the Question
by the Parliament, That a Bill be brought in
for sale of the Estates of such persons, who have
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