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Mercurius politicus, Number 172, 22nd-29th September 1653 E.714[6]

been Delinquents since January 30. 1648. And
that there be a clause for allowing a Reward to
any who shall discover such Delinquents.
The House being informed, That divers Gentlemen
of severall Counties, for avoiding of the
great oppression, and abuses on the Countrey by
the Farmers of the Excise, and the unreasonable
Fines set by them, and the great rigor in exacting
the same, which proves more burthensome and
grievous then the paiment of the Duty it self,
have offred to the Committee, on the behalf of
their Countries, to secure the paiment in of so
much money as the Excise in their respective
Counties the last year were rented at, and so the
same might be put into the hands of such persons
in their respective Counties, as would manage
the same with greatest ease and advantage of
the People: The Parliament did order, That the
Committee for inspection of the Treasuries, be
authorized to give Order to the Commissioners
of Excise, to Farm out the Excise of such Counties
of England and Wales, as to the said Committee
shall appear to be most advantagious for the
Commonwealth, and ease of the People, to commence
the 29. of this present September, and continue
till the 25 of December next; so as the same
be not at at a less rate then the Excise of such
County was farmed at the last year.
From Amsterdam, Sept. 19. stilo novo.
There hath bin seen again upon our Coasts 40
or 50 English ships under the Command of Admiral
Lawson; and since that some say, That the
whole English Fleet hath appeared before the
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