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Mercurius politicus, Number 172, 22nd-29th September 1653 E.714[6]

Texell, where they have taken some of our Merchantmen
that came from the Eastlands; the rest
to the number of 78. are got safe into our Harbors.
The King of Denmark being jealous of the
Commissioners which the State. Generall have
sent to London, those here have assured them, that
they will not hearken to any Treaty with the
Parliament of England, unless his Majesty of
Denmark be therein comprehended.
The Lord Brun Ambassador of Spain, who hath
alwaies new subjects of complaint, hath represented,
That the Ministers of the Pr: of Orange
have violated many points of the Agreement
made in the Year 1647. And therefore it ought
to be look'd upon as broken. Some Provinces
have agreed to the paiment of Fifty Thousand
Ryxdollers for the erecting of a Chambre my partie
at Mallnes. The Commissioners of the States
for foreign affairs, have reported that they have
had conference with the Lord General Middleton,
General of the Armies of the King of great Britain
in Scotland (for so they stile Charls Stuart here)
who doth demand as many Arms and Ammunition
as will furnish ten thousand men that are up
in a body together in the Highlands, to make diversions
of the English forces. From abroad we
do hear that the Lords Rudolphi and Verboeven,
who are fent in Commission from this State to
the King of Portugal, to conclude a peace between
his Majesty and the United Provinces in
Brasell, do find his Majesty very ready to imbrace
the offers, so it may be managed with secrecie.
They do write from Brest, that four ships of Zealand
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