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Mercurius politicus, Number 172, 22nd-29th September 1653 E.714[6]

do cruice the seas towards the Coasts of
Brittain, and that the like number from Brest are
joyned with them with Commissions from his
Majesty of great Brittain they have taken four
English ships coming from the Canarie Islands
richly laden.
The Lord of Opdam hath not altogether refused
the Charge of Admiral, but desired only
some time to consider of it. Many think he will
not accept of it, partly because he doth not think
himself capable of the place, and partly because
he doth fear that he shall be no better served
with Captains under him, then the late Admiral
was; and moreover because the State doth not
severely punish those that neglected doing of
their dutie in the last engagement.
They are very busie in equipping more ships
to be ready to joyn with those that are gone to
the Sound at their return.
A List of the Prizes that came in on Friday and Saturday
last, into Yarmouth Read, with their names
and Lading.
The Saint Peter of Delphs haven
The Marina of Rotterdam
The three Fishooks Enchitysin
The Hope of Rotterdam
The Sunne of Maizelandsluice with salt and
The Shiddam Mill with Salt
The brown Cow of Bristol, retaken with Wine
and Brandy Wine
One Greenland ship, as they say of Embden.
Two Busses more of Roterdam.
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