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Mercurius politicus, Number 184, 16th-22nd December 1653 E.725[6]

this City, this being done by vertue of the Amnistia,
therefore they were presented to his Majesty,
who received their thankfulness, and other
The last Tuesday arrived here the Marquis of
Uagnau to bring the particulars of the Desert
given to the Spaniards in Roussiston, which you
have heard in my last; the designe of his Majesty
to go into Provence, continueth still, it being
easierly followed by the Cardinal Mazarini who
worketh his owne ends therein, as well as the
Kingdome, which he doth so much pretend; this
doth something thwart the project of the Portugal
Ambassador, who for many months since
hath droven on the designe of making a Match
between the King and his Matters daughter, with
whom he proffers to give many millions of gold.
The Protestant party in Langueds and other
Counties adjacent, are in expectation or a favorable
answer to be given to their many and great
grievances lately brought from them by the Baron
of Rou. vigni, who (as I hear) hath presented
them, but as yet no answer returned to them, but
was promised fair to have it within a few dayes.
The common report is, that the Chamber Ardent
shall be put downs, it being very much exclaimed
against, & I hear not they have done or
acted any thing of late: Our Arch-Bishop is very
sick, and also his Nephew the Cardinal de Retz,
who doth yet remain a close prisoner, by reason
Cardinal Mazarin will not be able to bend him to
his Italian humour. The news from Alsatia are
various, some will have the Earl of Harcourt to
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