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Mercurius politicus, Number 184, 16th-22nd December 1653 E.725[6]

have made his agreement with the Emperour,
for the delivering up Brisack, and other places
under his command to him, but others affirm this
to be onely a plot of the Cardinal to spread such
reports, thereby to render him odious to the
King and the whole Nation.
By the last news from Naples thus: The vice-King
having notice that the Earl of Castriglio out
new vice King was arrived at St. Pofelippo with
his Wife, and a great Train sent one of his high
Officers, to welcome him, and make him the usual
complement: the next day he was visited by
the Cardinal Filmarini, with the rest of the Nobles,
both spiritual and temporal: The Duke
de Terranova, who is to be Ambassador in ordinary
at Rome, is also come to this City.
From Sterling, December 2.
Glencarne and his company removed from their
fastness in Monteith towards Broad-Albin on thursday
last, upon an alarm given them by one of our
Garrisons, about 8 or 9 miles hence. The Lord
Lorne and Kenmore are certainly at a great difference,
and some contest hath been between Glengary
and Glencarne, for the cheief conduct, Glencary
looking on himself as the tauler man and
better Souldier. They talke of setting up the
Standard at the head of Lough Tay very shortly:
and then they will proceed in all haste with
their Levies.
In the mean time our Commander in chiefe
is using all possible ways for securing our Forces
here, and pntting them into such a postures as
may oppose the enemy. And that no means
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