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Mercurius politicus, Number 184, 16th-22nd December 1653 E.725[6]

of the Phœnix & Elizabeth Frigats, which
came with my Lord over. By Letters from
Stockholm I have, that there were 3 Hollands Fly.
boats lading with great Guns for Holland. I have
acquainted his Excellency with it, and doubt not
but some course will be taken for the interception
of the same.
From Colen Decemb. 9. S.N.
The difference between this City and our
Bishop continues yet, the ships being detained
yet as well under at Kepser swert as from above at
Bon, to the great prejudice and dammage of the
poor Merchants, and greater hazard both of ships
and goods, whom one hard Frost, which now is
daily expected, would utterly ruine, there being
no protection at neither place to save them. Saturday
last the Duke of Newburghs chancellor
as also two deputed from the city, departed
to his Highness, and its supposed they will procure
the relaxation of the said ships; which is
much longed for. The Land day at Mulbeim is
broke up without effect. From Regenburgh no
news at all for the present.
From Copenhagen Decemb. 7. S.V.
Since they last I received yours, which gives an
exact account of the Dutch loss in the late fight;
as also of their Sea Engine, wherewith they intend
to do great wonders; but if they make no
other Provision against the Spring to encounter
the English, this will be but a poor bulwark of
Defence; I have heard of many such inventions,
but they are at last come to nothing else but the
expence of time and Treasure. The Messenger
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