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Mercurius politicus, Number 184, 16th-22nd December 1653 E.725[6]

and Offences to produce against them;
for which she intends to have satisfaction. This
Crown of Sweden, and the Subjects therof, have
suffered exceedingly by the insolence and injustice
of that People.
From Edenburough December 9.
Intelligence is come that Kenmore is marched
into the South with some few. Foot, and
sevenscore Horse, Atholl is gone into his
owne Conntry with 80 Horse, to keep in the
Castle of Blair, that so he may with more liberty
take up his Levies there. Kinoule is to raise
a Regiment in Barchlaush, and Cooper in Angus;
and Ramsay (who lately brought sevenscore
Horse to them, and is returned againe) to be his
Lieut. Collonel. Lane not yet come to them,
some jealousies lie upon him, that he is not so
forward as he might. Mac noughton is also
somewhat cold in the work, so that no help is
come from them as yet.
Glencarne hath sent out Warrants to several
Townes, for very great proportions of Cloth,
Boots, Shooes Money, &c. He sent for as much
cloth as would cloath 150 Souldiers: together,
with as much linnen and shooes as will furnish
the same number, each of them with two shirts
and a pair of shooes, and fifteen hundred pound
Scotch money, threatens them, that if they delay
to give obedience, he will exact the same by
The last week a party of fourscore of these
broken people, took away 7 or 8 good Horses
from the Earl of Weems house in Fyfe, and a
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