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Mercurius politicus, Number 184, 16th-22nd December 1653 E.725[6]

party of four Rogues came into the L[unr]ird of
Womats House three or four miles from Leith,
and stob'd an Englishmen, who was imployed by
the Commissioners to gather in the Rents of his
coal-pits: by which we may perceive what usage
we might expect, if we were at their mercy.
By a Letter intercepted from one of their own
party thus. All our Commission'd Officers are
going now to their several Localities for Levies
which was not till now determined upon, both
of Horses and Foot: the Earl of Atholl is to leavy
a Regiment of Horses in Perthshire, and the
whole Foot thereof; Kinolve hath the Horses
of the shire of Angus and Mernes: Glengary is
to leavy a Regiment of Horses out of Caithnes,
Sutherlands Rosse, and Murray, and to be Commander
in chief of their Foot levied there: Kenmore
is to leavy the Horses of the shire of Aberdeen
Col. Blakader of Tulliallen is to leavy in
a part of the shire of Fife; Sir Mungo Murray left
us two night, being discontented for not getting
a Locality on the North side of Forth; he was
and is Gentleman Quartermaster, and is again
reconciled, and is to have Sterling shire for a Locality
for levying the Horses there.
We are now about 1000 good well armed resolute
Foot, and 500 Horse, the Riders are singularly
good they and the Horses are extreamly
ill equipaged; Saddles and Bridles that are good,
are rare here. I have sent you a Purse penny, I
intreat that there be not a word of the other:
This is all, I remain.
Poole December 9. Here bath tot been any Intelligence.
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