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Mercurius politicus, Number 184, 16th-22nd December 1653 E.725[6]

the next Summers expedition, Commissions are given
out by the Arch-Duke for the raising of Horse and Foot
to recruit his Army.
Here is a great deal of talk of a Mariage, between the
King of France, and the daughter of the King of Portugal,
which we hear he doth promise to give in Marriage
a very great Aim of Crasados, for her doury. I[unr]s is generally
thought here that this alliance may take effect, in regard
of the alliance they have together, and that the first
stands in need of mony and Ships, and the second of friends
and honour.
The great preparations which the Duke of Guise makes
at the perswasion of the Cardinal Mazarin, are in order
to a second conquest of Naples, for which designe they
have prepared and fitted a Fleet of Ships and Gallies at
at Taulon in France, under pretence to relieve Catalonia;
But there is already order taken to frustrate and prevent
his designe by a speedy supplying of that place with a
strong party. The Earl of Castrillo, the new Vice Roy,
was arrived at Naples, and the old was gone from thence
for Spaine, to give an account to his Majesty at Madrid
of his Government of six years, that he hath been Vice
On Tuesday last my Lord Houines was declared here
by his Highness, Chief President of the privy Council of
his Majesty, and my Lord Rosa excluded, being lately
come from Spain: there is great wondering at this change,
the reasons hereof are not yet known.
The Chamber imparty now erected at Malines to judge
and devide the differences proceeding from the Treaty of
peace between the King of Spaine and the United Provinces,
is now sat, and much expectation there is that speedy
justice will be done on both sides, to the content of both
An Advertisement.
All persons who are Adventures for lands in Ireland are
desired to take notice, That the Committee for Caims for
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