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Mercurius politicus, Number 184, 16th-22nd December 1653 E.725[6]

lands in Thursday the 12 of January next coming to be a day
of Lottery at Grocers-hall London, both for Provinces
and Counties, and Thursday the 19 of the same January to be
a Lottery for Counties for all such Adventurers who have
made their choice in Provinces; and after the said 19 of January
the said Committee intend to sit three mornings in a
week, viz. Tuesdayes, Thursdayes and Saturdayes, for preparing
Certificates for such Adventurers as have, or shall by
that time draw their Lotts.
From Dover, December 14.
We hear by one come this morning from Deale, that
General Monck, and his squadron were safely arrived in
the Downs. There are several |Ships gone by this week
bound for London; some from the Canaries laden with
Wines, and one from Malaga, laden with fruit. There
is a Dutch prize laden with Wines taken by a private man
of war of London. The lading is all White-Wine.
From the Hague, December. 19. Stilo novo.
We have little of news here since my last; the French
Ambassadour Monsr. de Chanus hath as yet made no further
publick Address unto the State, but privately he hath
his visits, and dlazes abroad what great offers he hath to
make from his Master; some say 10000. pistols by the
month, besides the pay of divers Shipping, in case there be
a final breach with England. Nothing is mentioned yet at
all of taking in the interest of the Scotish King, though
his party here do cry it up as the great designe of the
French, and say, that the old interest and inter course will
be revived between France and Scotland, that they may
have a back-dore againe to surprise the English, upon all
occasions. They math slight the Prince of Conde at present,
and say he will shortly be glad to imbrace any terms
from his King; but they who ape acquainted with his
spirit, know he will stoop to a thousand deaths. rather
than live as a private man at home, or the Cardinals courtesie.
The Spanish power is not yet so low, as to let him
sink, nor will lie be without the hearts of France, at long
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