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Mercurius politicus, Number 186, 12th-19th January 1654 E.726[17]

Town called Medinatalvi, (but commonly known by the
name of Mecha) in the Mosquee or Chappell where the
body of their false Prophet hath lain many Years; On a
sudden, about Ten of the clock in the forenoon, this Iron
Chest (which for many years hath been suspended in the
roof of that house, by vertue of the Loadstone fastened
there) did fall to the ground, which immediately opened
and swallowed up both the Chest, and what was therein;
the ground remaining open about one quarter of an hour,
and in that space came forth of that Abyss a great flame,
and smoke, which rendred a great stench, and so the
ground closed up as formerly: That thereupon all the
Spectators fell on the ground, being struck with deadly
fear at so dreadfull a spectacle, and some of them are since
become Christians, leaving their superstitious service.
An Advertisement from the Lieutenant of the Tower.
AT the desire of the Earl of Cleveland now Prisoner
in the Tower, I doe hereby give notice to all persons
allyed in Blood or Acquaintance to the said Earl, That his
Lord ship hath been lately informed of a certain Imposter
or Cheat, who under the cloak of Friendship, and pretence
of serving his Lordship, hath made very unworthy Addresses
to divers persons of quality in the said Earls behalf
to borrow Money for his Relief, and to supply his occasions
in the Tower; and hath counterfeited the said Earls
Hand and Seal for such leud purposes: And because a
Vizard is proper for such Practitioners, he goeth somtimes
under the name of Buck, sometimes Brathwaigtt, and
Butler; and that he hath by this means obtained severall
sums of money from severall Persons who are deluded by
this knavery, and although the Lievtenant (at the desire of
the said Early hath granted many Warrants for the apprehending
this person, yet it hath hitherto been his Fortune
to escape.
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