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Mercurius politicus, Number 186, 12th-19th January 1654 E.726[17]

The Earl of Cleveland desire this may be
publickly known, that this Villains proceedings
may be prevented for the future, and also that
it may be believed, that when the said Earl hath
any occasion to use money, it hath been his custom
alwaies to use such honourable means of
procurement as are suitable with his degree and
The like abuse hath been offered by the same
person to the Lord Grandison also, a prisoner in
the Tower, which is likewise desired to be made
A Letter from the Spanish General, from Badaiocio
to a Portugal Governour.
This Messenger I send to know assuredly whether
the Count Almarantius be slain, or only a
Captive. And this I must needs know, for it
imports much in his Ladies behalf. Again, Whether
or no there be not among, the captives one
Don William Puitavilla and Luis Bricula, Captains;
and if any of them be grievously wounded, there
shall come from us a Coach to fetch them; yea
and if any Commanders corps be with you, I desire
that they be honourably sent us.
And I hope for civility and charities sake,
you will decently interr the dead; and if need
be, let this man know and inform himself and
you of each of them of whom notice ought to
be taken.
A Declaration by the Commander in chief of the
Forces in Scotland.
For as much as it is apparent, that (notwithstanding
my Proclamation of September 27. last)
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