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Mercurius politicus, Number 187, 5th-12th January 1654 E.726[4]

in England, or is cast away with all her men: The Irish
men are already marcht towards Brabant to refresh themselves,
and get some cloths to their backs, being for the
most part half naked. This will be another great burthen
to the Country, and of little service, by reason that they
are lookt upon as men more affected to the service of
France, then to that of Spain, which they did formerly
most affect and desire; but these have suffered themselves
to be debaucht to serve the King of France.
Since that the Troops of the Prince of Conde and the
Duke of Lorain, and others have taken their Winter-quarters
by force of arms, in the Country of Liege, taken some
Towns and Castles, and used many other ads of hostility,
insolence and violence. It is said that the Prince of Liege
and the Archbishop of Cullen, have made a League Offensive
and defensive with the two other Ecclesiastick Electors
of Triers and Mentz their confraters to assist one
another in the defence of their Country, against all manner
of Foreign Forces, under what pretence soever it may
be. Here is one lately come from Ireland, who report
of a skirmish that hath hapned there, between one Colonel,
Mortaghe O Brien, at present General of all the Catholicks
in arms in Ireland, and 3 Regiments of the Parliaments
Forces, wherein he said the said Colonel bath totally
destroid those of three Regiments, and hath taken from
them great store of plunder, and hath made himself Master
of Bilbullane, the place where the fight was made:
But few do give credit to bate reports, unless something
more authentick be shown for it.
Being constrained for want of room last week, to omit
the numbers of the persons that are to be elected
to sit in Parliament, from time to time, for the several
Counties, Towns and Cities, I shall here insert
them, they being according to the proportions hereafter
expressed; That is to say,
For the County of Bedford, six; viz.
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