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Mercurius politicus, Number 187, 5th-12th January 1654 E.726[4]

News from Portugal.
The County of Almarantis Lient, General of the Spanish
Horse, sent forth part of hit Troops on the 6 of November,
to pillage between the Towns of Arentium and Megretum;
and to expect there likewise a conjunction of other
Forces. But Audreas Albuquercio general of the Portugal
Horse, marching towards them, the Spaniards seemed by a
false march to be retreating, that they might unite with
their main body, and so fall upon the Portugal Forces:
which the Portugals perceiving, the Governour of Castelvitense
a Portugal Governour, speeded away with about
250 Horse towards the enemies frontiers, not far from Valenita;
where coming in view of 300 Spanish horse, he after
a short dispute, put them to fight, and pursued them
so far, that at length he came in view of 400 other horse of
the enemies; by whom being over-numbred, and his men
being disordered in the pursuit, he was repelled with the
loss of some few, many wounded, and the Governour
himself with two Ensignes, were taken. On the Spanish
side, was one Captain slain, in this skirmish, and divers
mortally wounded; among whom, Don Alvarez a Luna,
son to the Count of Montigiense.
Hereupon, Albuquercio general of the Portugal horse,
followed the enemy betimes the next morning, and found
them not far from Aroncium very numerous, driving away
1200 head of cattle. The Spaniards Were 1500. the Portugals
but 950 horse. It was valiantly fought by both sides,
and notwithstanding the odds in number, the Portugals
became victors, and had pursuit of the enemy till night.
There fell many gallant Commanders of the Spanish party;
among whom, Almarantius their Major general, 17
Colonels, and many wounded. The number of Spanish
slain upon the place, and of them that fell in the fight Was
300. 400 taken prisoners, and a great number of horse,
by the Portugals; who also had some loss, but not considerable.
No Officers slain, save onely a Major, divers are
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