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Mercurius politicus, Number 189, 19th-26th January 1654 E.727[8]

included or excluded out of the same; but if they
be excluded, their fears will render their poor
people unserviceable, for their own defence.
From Amsterdam, January 14. S.N.
The last storm hath caused much damage in
these Parts by Sea and Land. In Texell are cast
away 5,or 6 ships, one of whom was an EastIndy
man outward bound, and about 200 men lost in
her. Another East-Indy ship lost all her Masts,
& consequently her Voyage; many others were
forced on shore. In a Dorp of North Holland,
cald Rype, 600 houses, & 5000 Bundles of Hemp
were consumed with Fire; a remarkable stroke
of God, if they were but sensible of it; A Friend
writes me from the Haghe, that he saw the States
private Letter from their Deputies, who wrote
that on Friday last was sevenight they had made
a finall end, whereof they should receive a large
account per next.
From Regensburg January 4. S. N.
The Messenger that came on here from Brandenburgh,
hath brought a good Resolution from
his Master. Yesterday the Ambassadors were again
conducted to the Assembly, where the introduction
of the new Dukes of Detrickstein, Piccolomini,
& Aversperg, as also the admission of the
City of Bremen, and satisfaction of Lorain were
propounded, but nothing concluded upon.
From Hamburgh January 10. S. V.
There departed out of this River som few days
ago a Fleet of 70, or 80 Merchantmen, bound for
severall Ports and Places. 2 Dutch Capers, and
2 other States men of war which lay purposely at
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